Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My HMO gone...the fun begins!

                       So...the ramifications of my HMO going “bust”.
What a mess.  Where do I start.....well...how about no notification that I, along with about 50,000 others, had no medical insurance because Physicians United in Florida was bankrupt.  I had to be told by my doctor’s office.
Then...Medicare flipped all of us into Humana, without our knowledge or authority, causing  financial problems all around.  I sit here with a coupon book from Humana (which will be trashed quickly) saying I owe THEM $21.80 a month from now to eternity(I guess). Wonder what’s it’s for.  There’s no letter  telling me...just the coupon book.  How about that for a high priced state controlled HMO, huh? They already took money out of my Social Security (which is why I would never do business with them or any other HMO who did that!)
So...I quickly signed up with another HMO which paid my part B meaning I would get that money...not them.
Now comes the letter from Social Security based on my belonging to Humana and informing me of the money they will take from me to be a member of that HMO...which, of course, I’m not, now, nor will I ever be.
And I get a letter from my new HMO informing me that I will get that money...may take a bit of time...but it will be paid to me.
And here I sit...not knowing if Social Security will get caught up by paying me the money Humana took in my next payment (ha!) or the payment after that or what.
I think the bottom line here is:
Hope and pray your HMO never goes broke!
god...what a mess!

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